
目前显示的是 七月 29, 2010的博文

SUppORT me PLz!

TOP 10! Hello ladies n gentlemen,Im Junson,i take part in singing competition,so i need your support by click "like" at my picture! 1st u go to the link and clik "like" at the top http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=236918&id=104283132937464#!/pages/Sungai-Petani-Malaysia/theSense-Music-Cafe-Sdn-Bhd/104283132937464?__a=6&ajaxpipe=1 2nd,u go to http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=236918&id=104283132937464#!/photo.php?pid=236918&id=104283132937464 and click the blue word "LIKE" thats all!...thx for those support me support.. hav nice day ^^ ______________________________________________________ "星"秀歌唱比赛决赛的十强出炉了!!!! 赶快投他们一票,只需点击"like"支持他们! 这一票将会决定谁是最佳人气奖 ! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=236918&id=104283132937464 投票截止日期 : 星期六 ( 7月31日 )晚上 12am ...决赛日期 : 2010年8月1日 比赛时间 : 晚上8PM 比赛地点 : the.Sense Music Cafe, Sungai Petani